Your horse may require anaesthesia for a variety of health problems, medical procedures or for advanced diagnostic imaging.

Anaesthesia is commonly used for elective procedures such as a castration, to treat a horse that has sustained a wound, or for emergency surgery to treat colic.

Advanced diagnostic imaging techniques such as comupted tomography (CT) scans also require your horse to be anaesthetised so it's immobile and we can take high-quality images.

(This information was adapted from an article by UQ lecturer and Equine veterinary specialist Dr. Allison.J.Stewart BVSc(hons), MS, DACVIM, DACVECC, and Dr. Jo Rainger PhD, BVSc, BVSc(Vet), FANZCVA, Dip Clin Stud(Veterinary Anaesthesia) for Hoofbeats magazine. Read the article)